The views and opinions expressed on the Auto Hub show are those of our guest speakers and guests and do not necessarily reflect the official policy or position of the Auto Hub Show or Ian Nethercott or any other firm or associated agency, organization, employer or company. Assumptions made in the analysis are not reflective of the position of any entity other that the speakers and guest on the show and since we are critically thinking human beings, these views are always subject to change, revision, and rethinking at any time. Please do not hold us to them in perpetuity.
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Ian is a senior leader in the automotive industry with over 20 years of industry experience including 10 years of automotive retail experience. As an experience automotive trainer, business consultant, and operational expert, Ian is always looking to help dealers and industry professionals get better and take their business to the next level.
Ian has had the opportunity to work with large and small dealer groups all over North America and drive real change, help them get results, and manage the industry he not only loves but that his family has been in for over 100 years starting with his grandfather in Ontario Canada.
Ian has had the opportunity to work in all retail departments and with the OEM helping enhance profitability, drive real change, and train staff, management, and dealers on how to maximize every single opportunity in business and move their team forward.
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